Integrative negotiation, also known as interest-based bargaining or win-win bargaining, is a type of negotiation in which the parties seek to find a mutually beneficial solution that meets the needs of both parties. In other words, both parties can gain something from the negotiation. This type of negotiation is often used in situations where there are multiple issues to be negotiated, or where the parties have a long-term relationship.

There are a few key strategies that can be used in integrative negotiation. One is to focus on interests, not positions. Positions are the stated demands of the parties, while interests are the underlying needs and concerns that drive those demands. By focusing on interests, the parties can find solutions that meet both of their needs. Another strategy is to brainstorm creative solutions. In integrative negotiation, there is no one right answer. The parties need to be creative and come up with solutions that both parties can agree on.

Integrative negotiation can be a more challenging type of negotiation than distributive negotiation, but it can be more rewarding. By focusing on interests and brainstorming creative solutions, the parties can find a mutually beneficial solution that meets the needs of both parties.

Here are some examples of integrative negotiation:

In all of these cases, the goal of integrative negotiation is to find a solution that meets the needs of both parties. By understanding the principles of integrative negotiation, you can increase your chances of success.