Logrolling is a negotiation tactic in which two parties agree to trade concessions on different issues. This can be a useful tactic for reaching an agreement when the parties have different interests or priorities.

Let’s imagine Company A and Company B. Company A manufactures electronic devices and wants to expand its market reach by entering a new region. However, they lack a well-established distribution network in that area. On the other hand, Company B, a local distributor, has a strong distribution network but is interested in expanding its product range and offering more high-tech devices to its customers.

Initially, Company A is hesitant about partnering with Company B because they are unsure if Company B can effectively market and distribute their products to the target consumers. Company B, on the other hand, is concerned about the quality and popularity of Company A’s products among its customers.

To break the impasse, both companies engage in logrolling to find a mutually beneficial agreement. They have a series of negotiations and explore each other’s interests and concerns.

Through the logrolling process, they reach the following agreement:

  1. Company A agrees to provide Company B with a limited number of its electronic devices on consignment. This means Company B can test the market demand for these products without bearing the full financial risk of stocking inventory upfront.
  2. In return, Company B agrees to provide valuable market insights and feedback to Company A based on the customers’ response to the consigned products. This helps Company A assess the potential of the new market and make informed decisions for future expansions.
  3. Additionally, Company A offers to provide training and marketing support to Company B’s sales team to ensure they are well-equipped to promote and sell the electronic devices effectively.

By logrolling, Company A gains access to Company B’s established distribution network, allowing them to enter the new market with reduced risk. Company B benefits by expanding its product range and offering innovative electronic devices to its customers, potentially attracting new clientele.

Logrolling can be a helpful way to reach an agreement when the parties are deadlocked on a particular issue. By trading concessions on different issues, the parties can reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of logrolling. If the parties are not careful, they may end up making concessions that are not in their best interests. It is also important to make sure that the concessions are truly mutually beneficial. If one party is getting a better deal than the other, the logrolling tactic may not be successful.

Here are some tips for using logrolling in negotiation:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of using logrolling successfully in negotiation.