In negotiation, interests are the underlying needs, desires, and concerns that motivate the parties involved. They are what the parties are really trying to achieve in the negotiation.

Positions, on the other hand, are the stated demands of the parties. They are what the parties say they want to achieve in the negotiation. Positions are often based on interests, but they are not always the same thing.

For example, a buyer might say that their position is to get the lowest possible price for a car. However, their underlying interest might be to get a reliable car that will last for many years.

It is important to understand the interests of the other party in negotiation. This is because interests are often more important than positions. If you can address the other party’s interests, you are more likely to reach an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

Here are some examples of interests in negotiation:

In all of these cases, the parties are trying to achieve something that is important to them. By understanding the interests of the other party, you can increase your chances of reaching an agreement that is mutually beneficial.

Here are some tips for identifying interests in negotiation:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of identifying the interests of the other party in negotiation.