Distributive negotiation, also known as distributive bargaining, is a type of negotiation in which the parties aim to divide a fixed pie of value. In other words, one party’s gain is the other party’s loss. This type of negotiation is often used in situations where there is limited availability of resources, such as when negotiating a salary or a contract.

There are a few key strategies that can be used in distributive negotiation. One is to anchor the negotiation by making the first offer. The first offer sets the reference point for the other party, and they will tend to adjust their own offers based on that reference point. Another strategy is to use leverage. Leverage is the ability to influence the other party’s behavior. This can be done by having a strong BATNA (best alternative to a negotiated agreement), or by being able to walk away from the negotiation if necessary.

Distributive negotiation can be a challenging type of negotiation, but it can be successful if the parties are prepared and use the right strategies.

Here are some examples of distributive negotiation:

In all of these cases, the goal of distributive negotiation is to get the best possible outcome for yourself. By understanding the principles of distributive negotiation, you can increase your chances of success.